Sabrina Abdulla

Science Outreach & Partnerships Coordinator

Curriculum vitae

[email protected]

Department of Microbiology

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Small RNAs Activate Salmonella Pathogenicity Island 1 by Modulating mRNA Stability through the hilD mRNA 3' Untranslated Region

Sabrina Z. Abdulla, Kyungsub Kim, Muhammad S. Azam, Yekaterina A. Golubeva, Fatih Cakar, James M. Slauch, Carin K. Vanderpool

Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 205, 2023, pp. e00333-22

A Light-Inducible Strain for Genome-Wide Histone Turnover Profiling in Neurospora crassa

William K Storck, Sabrina Z Abdulla, Michael R Rountree, Vincent T Bicocca, Eric U Selker

Genetics, vol. 215(3), 2020


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